Types of Aid: Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) Tuition Waivers
A tuition waiver scholarship for: Children and Spouses of Arizona Peace Officers, Arizona Firefighter, Arizona Emergency Paramedics, Arizona Military Service Personnel, Arizona Correctional Officers, and Arizona National Guard Members killed in the line of duty.
Award Amount
The Slain Peace Officers Tuition Waiver will fund the full amount of undergraduate base tuition, college fees and course related fees. In order to estimate tuition and fees, use the Bursar's Office tuition and fees calculator online.
A tuition waiver scholarship for credit hours that are necessary to obtain a baccalaureate degree or up to 144 credit hours toward a baccalaureate degree including any waived transfer credit from an Arizona Community College or university.
- The eligibility of a student to participate as a child or spouse of an Arizona Peace Officer, Arizona Firefighter, Arizona Emergency Paramedic, or Arizona Correctional Officer (as defined in A.R.S. §15-1808(D)(4)) killed in the line of duty must be verified by the Arizona Firefighter and Emergency Paramedics Memorial Board, or the appropriate correctional official in the relevant state agency, county, city, or town.
- The eligibility of a student to participate as a child or spouse of Arizona military service personnel killed in the line of duty in response to a Presidential Executive Order, and for severely disabled combat survivors, must be verified by the U.S. Department of Defense or either the Federal or State Department of Veteran Affairs.
- The eligibility of a student to participate as a child or spouse of an Arizona National Guard member killed in the line of duty must be verified by the Adjutant General of the National Guard.
- Students must meet the university’s regular admission requirements.
- Students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) each semester.
- Students eligible for this award due to a status as a child of an individual must be 30 years of age or younger on the first day of any semester to which the scholarship would apply.
- Students eligible for the program due to their status as a spouse of an individual may not have remarried.
- Students must be enrolled at the University of Arizona Main, Online or Distance campuses.
Renewal Criteria
- Students must continue to meet all initial eligibility requirements.
- Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Standards each semester. Students who fail to meet SAP Standards will be notified of an option to submit a SAP Appeal to regain financial aid eligibility for the following semester. Review SAP Standards. Students with extenuating circumstances preventing them from meeting the SAP renewal criteria by the end of the semester may submit a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal by the deadline.
- Students may receive the award based on meeting renewal criteria until one of the following conditions are met: 144 credit hours are earned, a Baccalaureate Degree is earned, or until the student reaches 30 years of age.
Multiple Awards and Tuition Programs
- The value of the Slain Peace Officers Tuition Waiver amount can also include any of merit tuition awards offered by the University of Arizona.
- This award will be adjusted if the Qualified Tuition Reduction (QTR, a benefit for faculty and staff) or other tuition reduction programs (or waivers) are utilized. Students offered multiple awards designated for regular tuition cannot receive more than 100% of the cost of base tuition.
How the award is applied
- The Slain Peace Officers Tuition Waiver will disburse to a Bursar's student account approximately ten days before classes begin, once the student is enrolled. Students may check their "Financial Aid Status" under the Financial Aid menu on the UAccess Student Center for each award requirement.
- The total award amount is for the academic year, split between the fall and spring semesters based on semester tuition and fee charges. Students enrolled in summer courses may also use this award during the summer semester. Students who graduate in December are not eligible to receive the full academic year amount for one semester.
Withdrawal Policy
Students who withdraw on or after the first day of classes must review the withdrawal policy here.
A tuition waiver scholarship for:
- An Arizona National Guard Member who received a Purple Heart on or after September 11, 2001 and former members of the Arizona National Guard who were medically discharged from the Arizona National Guard due to an injury or disability suffered during status under Title 10, United States Code, in weekend training status, in annual training status or in response to a state of emergency declared by the Governor, as specified by A.R.S. §15-1808.
- Arizona military service personnel who received a Purple Heart citation as specified by A.R.S. §15-1808.
Award Amount
The Purple Heart Tuition Waiver will fund the full amount of base tuition, college fees, and course related fees. In order to estimate tuition and fees, use the Bursar's Office tuition and fees calculator online.
The Purple Heart Tuition Waiver will fund the full amount of base tuition, college fees, and course related fees. In order to estimate tuition and fees, use the Bursar's Office tuition and fees calculator online.
- Students must meet the university’s regular admission requirements.
- Students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) each semester.
- Students must be enrolled at the University of Arizona Main, Online or Distance campuses.
- For AZ National Guard Members, the eligibility of the student must be verified by the Adjutant General of the National Guard.
- For Arizona military service personnel, the eligibility of the student must be verified by the Arizona Department of Veteran’s Services.
- The student was a resident of the State of Arizona or was stationed in Arizona at the time of the injury that resulted in the Purple Heart citation.
- The student had a disability rating as determined by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs of 50% or more.
- The student has never been convicted of a felony.
University is notified by ABOR when a student has been identified as being eligible to be awarded.
Renewal Criteria
- Students must continue to meet all initial eligibility requirements.
- Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Standards each semester. Students who fail to meet SAP Standards will be notified of an option to submit a SAP Appeal to regain financial aid eligibility for the following semester. Review SAP Standards. Students with extenuating circumstances preventing them from meeting the SAP renewal criteria by the end of the semester may submit a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal by the deadline.
Multiple Awards and Tuition Programs
- The value of the Purple Heart Tuition Waiver amount can also include any of merit tuition awards offered by the University of Arizona.
- This award will be adjusted if the Qualified Tuition Reduction (QTR, a benefit for faculty and staff) or other tuition reduction programs (or waivers) are utilized. Students offered multiple awards designated for regular tuition cannot receive more than 100% of the cost of base tuition.
How the award is applied
- The Purple Heart Tuition Waiver will disburse to a Bursar's student account approximately ten days before classes begin, once the student is enrolled. Students may check their "Financial Aid Summary" on the UAccess Student Center for each award requirement.
- The total award amount is for the academic year, split between the fall and spring semesters based on semester tuition and fee charges. Students enrolled in summer courses may also use this award during the summer semester. Students who graduate in December are not eligible to receive the full academic year amount for one semester.
Withdrawal Policy
Students who withdraw on or after the first day of classes must review the withdrawal policy here.
The State of Arizona has established the Spouse of Military Veterans Tuition Scholarship to provide for coverage of tuition and fees pertaining to undergraduate degrees at the University of Arizona. The Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) was appropriated $10 million and has oversight of the program. For additional information and to apply for this award click here.
Award Amount
The Spouses of Military Veterans’ Tuition Scholarship is a last dollar/gap award. This means that the award covers the difference in the student’s undergraduate base tuition and fees after all gift aid (federal grants, scholarships, etc.) has been applied. In order to estimate tuition and fees, use the Bursar's Office tuition and fees calculator online.
This “last dollar” tuition and fees scholarship is available for 8 semesters. The maximum number of semesters for the award does not increase if the awardee transfers institutions.
This award is available for use in all University of Arizona campuses.
- Current spouse of an honorably discharged veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States
- Enrolled in classes at University of Arizona for the summer, fall, or spring semesters
- Enrollment in a bachelor's degree program
- Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by April 1st each academic year
- Classification as an in-state Arizona resident
- Selection is determined by the University of Arizona Office of the Registrar. Application and more information can be found here
- Students must meet the university’s regular admission requirements.
- Students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) each semester.
Renewal Criteria
- Remain classified as an Arizona In-state student
- Must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) each semester.
- Complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid each year by April 1st of the preceding academic year
Multiple Awards and Tuition Programs
- The value of the Spouses of Military Veterans’ Tuition Scholarship amount can vary for each student who receives it. After all other gift aid (Pell Grant, merit scholarships, etc.) has been applied, the award will cover remaining tuition and fees.
- This award will be adjusted if the Qualified Tuition Reduction (QTR, a benefit for faculty and staff) or other tuition reduction programs (or waivers) are utilized. Students offered multiple awards designated for regular tuition cannot receive more than 100% of the cost of base tuition.
- The University of Arizona will calculate the scholarship award amount once, at the time of initial awarding. We will not recalculate the award unless it is to benefit the student or otherwise required by Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 or 38 United States Code Chapters 31-36.
How the award is applied
- The Spouses of Military Veterans’ Tuition Scholarship will disburse to a Bursar's student account approximately ten days before classes begin, assuming the student is enrolled in at least 1 unit. Students may check their "Financial Aid Status" under the Financial Aid menu on the UAccess Student Center for each award requirement.
- The total award amount is for the academic year, split between the fall, spring and summer semesters based on semester tuition and fee charges. Students who graduate in December are not eligible to receive the full academic year amount for one semester.
Withdrawal Policy
Students who withdraw on or after the first day of classes must review the withdrawal policy here.
The State of Arizona has established the Spouses and Dependents of Law Enforcement and Correctional Officers Tuition Scholarship to provide for coverage of tuition and fees pertaining to undergraduate degrees at the University of Arizona. For additional information and to apply for this award click here.
Award Amount
The Spouses and Dependents of Law Enforcement and Correctional Officers Tuition Scholarship is a last dollar/gap award. This means that the award covers the difference in the student’s undergraduate base tuition and fees after all gift aid (federal grants, scholarships, etc.) has been applied. In order to estimate tuition and fees, use the Bursar's Office tuition and fees calculator online.
This “last dollar” tuition and fees scholarship is available for 8 semesters. The maximum number of semesters for the award does not increase if the awardee transfers institutions.
This award is available for use on all University of Arizona campuses.
- Qualifying students must be either a dependent under the age of 27 or a spouse of a currently employed law enforcement or correctional officer and:
- Enroll at an Arizona institution in a program that will award a career technical education district program certificate or license, private vocational program certificate, associate degree or baccalaureate degree.
- Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
- Submit a copy of the Law Enforcement Officer’s Commission Card as applicable.
- Submit a current employment verification letter.
- Submit a marriage certificate for a spouse, or a birth certificate or applicable court order for a dependent.
- Selection is determined by the Arizona Board of Regents. Application and more information can be found here
- Students must meet the university’s regular admission requirements.
- Students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) each semester.
Renewal Criteria
- Funding is determined and approved each year by the Arizona Board of Regents and is not necessarily guaranteed for future academic years. Eligibility for renewal is based upon available funding.
- Must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) each semester.
- Complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid each year by April 1st of the preceding academic year
Multiple Awards and Tuition Programs
- The value of the Spouses and Dependents of Law Enforcement and Correctional Officers Tuition Scholarship Tuition Scholarship amount can vary for each student who receives it. After all other gift aid (Pell Grant, merit scholarships, etc.) has been applied, the award will cover remaining tuition and fees.
- This award will be adjusted if the Qualified Tuition Reduction (QTR, a benefit for faculty and staff) or other tuition reduction programs (or waivers) are utilized. Students offered multiple awards designated for regular tuition cannot receive more than 100% of the cost of base tuition.
- The University of Arizona will calculate the scholarship award amount once, at the time of initial awarding. We will not recalculate the award unless it is to benefit the student or otherwise required by Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 or 38 United States Code Chapters 31-36.
How the award is applied
- The Spouses and Dependents of Law Enforcement and Correctional Officers Tuition Scholarship will disburse to a Bursar's student account approximately ten days before classes begin, assuming the student is enrolled in at least 1 unit. Students may check their "Financial Aid Status" under the Financial Aid menu on the UAccess Student Center for each award requirement.
- The total award amount is for the academic year, split between the fall, spring and summer semesters based on semester tuition and fee charges. Students who graduate in December are not eligible to receive the full academic year amount for one semester.
Withdrawal Policy
Students who withdraw on or after the first day of classes must review the withdrawal policy here.